Monday, August 11, 2008


NoDuel is a autoblocker for the duels.You can set custom replies and even auto ignore the spammer after his 5th try.
Ro:NoDuel este un addon care da automat decline la duel.Poti seta replicile si chiar sa de-a autoignore la spammer la a 5-a incercare.
>>Download NoDuel<<

DOWNLOAD DECLINEDUEL for Burning Crusade[ 2.4.3 ]


A fairly simple but very configurable mod that adds damage, heals, and events (dodge, parry, windfury, etc...) as scrolling text above you character model, much like what already happens above your target. This makes it so you do not have to watch (or use) your regular combat chat window and gives it a "Final Fantasy" feel.
Ro:Un simplu , dar destul de complex mod care iti adauga damage-ul , heal-ul ,dodge , parry , windfury etc. pe ecran deasupra caracterului tau.
>>Download ScrollingCombatText << [ Working with 2.4.3 ]


WhisperCast is a very useful addon.People whisps you with buff name and they get in your queue for that buff.And you just have to click on cast to buff them all in order.
Ro:WhisperCast e un adon folositor.Playerii iti dau whisp cu numele buffului si intra intr-o lista de asteptare pt. acel buff.Tu trebuie doar sa dai click pe butonul de cast pentru a-i buffa in ordinea intrarii in lista.
>>Download WhisperCast<<

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


OneBag is a replacement for the default game bags that combines all the bags into one frame.
Ro:One bag inlocuieste sistemul normal de baguri si le combina pe toate in aceeasi fereastra.
>> Download OneBag <<

Deadly Boss Mods

Deadly Boss Mods is a pve addon.It shows you boss abilities and their cooldowns.It has colored raid warning so you will know when the boss is gonna hit.
Ro:Deadly Boss Mods e un addont pentru PvE.Iti arata abilitatile bossilor si cooldownul lor.Are mesaje colorate si vei stii cand bossul va lovi.
>>Download Deadly Boss Mods << [ 2.4.2 Version ]
You can check for updates here.

Omen Threat Meter

Omen is a threat meter. What Omen attempts to do is provide reasonably accurate estimates of your group's relative threat level on individual enemies, so that you can see when you're in danger of pulling aggro (or, if you're next on the snack list if your tank bites it). This info is usually only critical in raids, where only tanks can survive aggro, but it's useful for any multi-player situation.
Ro:Omen masoara threatul facut.Omen furnizeaza informatii estimative in legatura cu levelul threatului.Deci poti vedea cand esti in pericol sa iei aggro-ul.Aceste informatii sunt critice in raid, unde doar tancii pot supravietuii atacului.
>> Download Omen ThreatMeter << [ 2.4.0 Version ]
You can check for updates here.


DoTimer is an addon that times DoTs and HoTs that you cast on other people. It supports all classes, and it is written by Asheyla, 70 Undead Warlock, , Shattered Hand (Horde).
Ro:DoTimer e un addon care iti afiseaza durata DoT-urilor si a HoT-urilor care le castezi pe alti playeri.Merge cu toate clasele si este creeat de Asheyla, 70 Undead Warlock, , Shattered Hand (Horde).
>>Download DoTimer<< [ 2.2 Version ]
You can check for updates here.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Quartz is the 5'th i post.Quartz is a graphical addon that modifies your casting bar , shows your target buffs and adds a lot of counters.Is a nice looking addon.
Ro:Quartz este un addon grafic care modifica bara de castare , arata buffurile tintei si adauga mai multe contoare.
>> Download Quartz << [ 2.4.2 Version ]
You can check for updates here.

Carbonite Quest

The 4'th addon i post on this blog is : CARBONITE QUEST.
Carbonite Quest is another addon good for leveling.It shows you where to go to find quest items , quests npc.It also shows you the entire map.Nice addon for leveling if you dont know to play very good,
Ro:Carbonite quest este un alt addon bun pentru facut level.Iti arata unde sa mergi sa gasesti quest items , quests npc. De asemenea iti arata toata harta , fara sa fie nevoie sa o descoperi tu.Este un addon interesant si folositor.
>>Download Carbonite Quest << [ 2.4.2 version ]
You can check for update on Curse.Com Website.

NEW DOWNLOAD LINK , 3.13 version

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Recount (Preservation)

Recount is a graphical damage metter. The preservation version is for the 2.4 patch.This is a PvE addon that allows you to see how much damage you do . This is the best solution for you . It provides you many informations with wich you can improve your character.
Ro:Recount este un addon grafic care masoara damage-ul.Versiunea PRESERVATION este facuta special pentru versiunea 2.4 , versiune in care s-a facut un patch major la sistem de logare.Acesta este un addon PvE care iti permite sa vezi cat damage faci tu si cielalti membri din raid.E cea mai buna solutie pentru tine.Iti furnizeaza multe informatii cu care iti poti imbunatati caracterul.
Click here to download it.
You can check the updates on the CURSE.COM website.


The second addon i post is QuestHelper.With this addon you can easily levelup doing quests.It shows you where npcs are spawned , where you should go . Is useful for 1-69 levels.If you are new to World Of Warcraft , this is the best addon for you.Click on the image to see it bigger.
Ro:Al 2-lea addon pe care il postez este QuestHelper.Cu acest addon poti face level usor completand questuri.Iti arata unde sunt creaturile pozitionate , unde ar trebui sa mergi.Este folositor pentru levelele 1-69.Daca esti nou in lumea Warcraftului , acesta este cel mai bun addon pentru tine.
Click here to download it.
You can check for updates on the CURSE.COM website.

Atlasloot Enhanced

The first addon i post on this blog is Atlasloot Enhanced . This is a very useful addon.
AtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game. It can access full item tooltips, show drop rates, allow items to be chat linked and to use the dressing room.
With this addon you can also see reputation reward from factions.
Click on the picture to see it large.
Ro:Primul addon pe care il postez este Atlasloot Enhanced.Acesta este un addon foarte folositor.
AtlasLoot Enchaced un mod care iti permite sa vezi tabelele cu loot-ul bossilor , droprate-ul , iti permite sa arati si celorlati itemele prin intermediul Chat Linkingului.Cu acest addon mai poti vedea recompensa [ reward-ul ] pe care o primesti de la anumite factiuni.
Click here to begin the download.
You can check the updates on the CURSE.COM website.

First Post

This is my first post on World Of Warcraft Addons blog . Here i will post all useful addons , mods , ui's . I hope you will like it and you'll come here again :-) .